A s o c i a c i ó n    E s p a ñ o l a    d e    E c o t u r i s m o    A c t i v o    C a m p a m e n t o s    S o l i d a r i o s
Faoye Badian Seleki


Between 2002-2010 we built a Network of Solidarity Eco-Camps in different regions of Senegal that allow travel across the country.

The camps are built under our direct supervision and they are managed by local people previously trained by us.

They are located in important areas of ecological or ethnological value; they highlight the cultural and natural heritage of each area.

With the profits from the exploitation of the camps and other contributions, we effect cooperative development projects in the areas around the camps.

All camps are currently sustainable. They generate at least their expenses.

Badian                 Seleki                 Faoye

Asociación Española de Ecoturismo Activo Campamentos Solidarios . Santa Engracia 30 6°B. 28010 Madrid . asociacion@campamentos-solidarios.org