A s o c i a c i ó n    E s p a ñ o l a    d e    E c o t u r i s m o    A c t i v o    C a m p a m e n t o s    S o l i d a r i o s


You can become a member of Campamentos Solidarios from €60 a year



If you wish, you can also collaborate with us by making a donation. The donations are tax-deductible in the statement of income in Spain, whether they come from a private donor or if it is a company, having been declared, Campamentos Solidarios, Public Utility in 2008

For more information, please contacts us


As a complementary funding method, through crowdfunding and collective cooperation we were able to obtain money or other resources to achieve success in the following programs:

For more information, please contacts us


CF 25: Water connection for the towns of Ndoff and Sing Nguessine, Sine Saloum, Senegal COMPLETED [+]

CF 24: Schools canteen program in the Rural Community of Tomboronkoto, Senegal COMPLETED  [+]

CF 23: Construction of a pier to access the town of Sakhor, Sine Saloum, Senegal COMPLETED [+]


CF 22: Schools canteen program in the Rural Community of Tomboronkoto, Senegal COMPLETED [+]


CF 21: Schools canteen program in the Rural Community of Tomboronkoto, Senegal COMPLETED [+]

CF 20: Maintenance of Faoye Solidarity Camp, Sine Saloum, Senegal COMPLETED [+]


CF 19: Schools canteen program in the Rural Community of Tomboronkoto, Senegal COMPLETED [+]

CF 18: Help in Senegal for the effects of Covid-19 COMPLETED [+]

CF 17: Food aid for students at the Bandiagara Boarding School, Mali COMPLETED [+]


CF 16: Repair of the Badian drinking water well, Senegal COMPLETED [+]

CF 15: Equipment of the Primary School of Sibikilling Bassari, Senegal COMPLETED [+]

CF 14: Scholarship in Bandiagara, Mali COMPLETED [+]


CF 12: Improvements in the Children's Library "La Llave Mágica de la Mente", Zacualpa, Quiche Region, Guatemala COMPLETED [+]

CF 11: Help for the surgical operation of Mariama, Fonsa Keita's daughter, head of the Badian village. COMPLETED [+]

CF 10: Provision of the Female School Boarding School in Bandiagara, Dogon Country, Mali. COMPLETED [+]

CF 9: Schools canteen program in the Rural Community of Tomboronkoto, Senegal COMPLETED [+]


CF 8: Canoe construction for Sakhor COMPLETED [+]

CF 7: Classroom repair in Faoye school. COMPLETED [+]

CF 6:Faoye women's association treshing machine arrangement. COMPLETED [+]

CF 5: Schools canteen program in the Rural Community of Tomboronkoto. COMPLETED [+]


CF 4: “Ciudad de Madrid” DKV Prize. COMPLETED [+]

CF 3: Schools canteen program in the Rural Community of Tomboronkoto. COMPLETED [+]


CF 2: Support for a child hospitalisation in Mali. COMPLETED [+]


CF 1: Support program for displaced children during the war in Mali. COMPLETED [+]

Asociación Española de Ecoturismo Activo Campamentos Solidarios. asociacion@campamentos-solidarios.org